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Sixth Form Admission (Appeal information)

If you wish to appeal for a Sixth Form place at RMGS please follow the link to complete our Appeal Form: Edap School Appeal 

Rainham Mark Grammar School operates an independent appeals process to ensure that all appeals for the school can be heard in a fair, objective and consistent manner.

The last day for lodging appeals is 4pm on Thursday, 29th August 2024.  The provisional date scheduled for appeals to be heard is Monday 9th September.

Panel members have been appointed in accordance with the School Admissions Appeals Code 2012. The appointed Independent Clerk will liaise with the three panel members, each of whom will have a copy of your documents. Notes of discussions will take place by the Independent Clerk, with final decisions about all cases being made by the Panel only after ALL appeals have been heard.

As you may be aware, your appeal will be considered in two parts:

Where applicants have been refused admission to a particular school because there are more eligible children than places available and oversubscription criteria have been applied, appeal panels must decide if the school’s admission arrangements were correctly and impartially applied in the individual’s case and decides whether “prejudice” would arise were the child to be admitted.

In the case of an appeal where the child did not reach the specified entry requirements, the panel must not make its own assessment of a child’s ability, but must decide whether the admission authority’s decision that the child was not of the required standard was reasonable in light of the information available to it. In doing so, it must consider whether any process in place to consider such cases (for example, where a pupil had not been studying in England and therefore did not have GCSEs) was carried out in a consistent and objective way.

If you have an equality consideration that has prevented you from providing a written statement and you do not have reasonable support to do so, you are to make the Panel aware at your earliest convenience. Although the Panel would have a duty to consider your reasons, there would need to be clear grounds for them to identify an alternative format for your appeal to be heard.

You will receive a copy of your full case papers via email, at least five calendar days in advance of the start of the appeals.

Please contact the Admissions Administrator at Rainham Mark Grammar School via email on If you have any queries. Please be aware that the date and time of the appeals are organised by the independent appeal panel and not the school.

Further information about admissions in Medway can be obtained from the Medway Admissions Team, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR 01634 331110.

There is a national charity called ACE (Advisory Centre for Education), which is supported by the department for children, schools and families who provide free independent advice on the appeals process. Parents can contact the advice line on 0300 0115 142 or for further information visit

Please click below for appeal dates and further information.