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A Levels Prep: Independent Scholarship Award

Independent Scholarship Award

Summer work to prepare you for the leap into Sixth Form studies

In this section of the website, you will find the resources needed for the completion of your summer work.  This work is set to help you make the leap into Sixth Form studies at RMGS. 

The work has been designed by Heads of Department and its purpose is to give you a flavour for the subject. It is highly recommended you do not begin this work until your subject choices have been confirmed – so, after results day. 

Please complete the work for the subjects you have chosen.  Bronze is compulsory, but we encourage you to stretch yourself and look at Silver and Gold tasks. 

The minimum requirement is to complete three Independent Scholarship Award pieces of work of Bronze level.  

We internally track the completion of the Independent Scholarship Award work, issuing certificates to students in October once we have quality assured the work produced. 

The deadline for completion of Independent Scholarship Award work is Friday 13th September. 

In summary:

  • Minimum requirement: 3 bronze ISA tasks completed (4, if you picked 4 subjects)
  • Deadline is Friday 13th September
  • Certificates will be issued in October once work has been quality assured and mark of ‘Bronze/Silver/Gold’ has been centrally uploaded by subject teachers for scrutiny by Head of 6th Form. 
  • If you complete a minimum of 2 silver and 1 gold, you will be considered for off-site study in terms 5 and 6 of year 12 (4 periods a fortnight – permission to study off-site – but must be supported by good attendance and attitude to learning scores).  This privilege is not usually awarded until year 13. 

All questions regarding Independent Scholarship Award content (or subject queries in general) should be emailed to the Head of Subject.  Emails of Heads of Subject can be found below:

  • Art –

  • Biology -

  • Business & Economics -

  • Chemistry -

  • Computing -

  • Design & Technology: Product Design -

  • Drama & Theatre Studies -

  • English Literature -

  • Film Studies – 

  • French –

  • Geography –

  • German –

  • History –

  • Mathematics -

  • Further Mathematics -

  • Core Mathematics -

  • Music -

  • Music Technology -

  • Physical Education -

  • Physics -

  • Politics –

  • Psychology – 

  • Religious Studies -

  • Sociology –

  • Spanish -